Biostatistics MCQs


Established in 1964 , hitherto part of Animal Husbandry Department, the Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics came into existence as an independent department. The master Degree programme started in the year 1964 with First Batch of M.V.Sc.&A.H. passed out in the year 1966. The Ph.D. Programme started in 1974. Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics is imparting teaching to U.G students of B.V.Sc.&A.H. degree courses as per VCI Course curriculum and undertaking Postgraduate Degree Programme leading to M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. Degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding.

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1 / 278

Histogram represents ——————–distribution

2 / 278

Variance is __________ of standard deviation

3 / 278

The term variance was given by

4 / 278

Most commonly used measure of dispersion is

5 / 278

Most commonly used measure of dispersion is

6 / 278

When data is expressed as rates, the most suitable measure of central tendency is

7 / 278

The most appropriate measure of central tendency for observations in ratio or percentage

8 / 278

The variable with highest number of frequency in dataset is referred as

9 / 278

The middle most value of dataset is referred as

10 / 278

Sum of squares of deviations of variables values taken from mean is

11 / 278

Sum of the deviations of variable values taken from the arithmetic mean is equal to

12 / 278

The characteristics of ideal measure of central tendency includes

13 / 278

Cumulative frequency curve is also known as

14 / 278

One dimensional diagram of data representation is

15 / 278

The ratio of treatment variance to error variance is known as

16 / 278

Local control is not adopted by

17 / 278

The measure of regression coefficient was given by

18 / 278

The chi-square test was developed by

19 / 278

The difference between lowest and highest value in a sample refers to

20 / 278

If the null hypothesis is rejected when it is actually true, this is

21 / 278

For normal distribution curve, the coefficient of skewness and coefficient of kurtosis are ———and ——— respectively

22 / 278

In normal distribution, the mean, median and mode

23 / 278

The bell-shaped curve is the characteristic of

24 / 278

When mean = Variance, the distribution is

25 / 278

The mean and variance of binomial distribution is ———————

26 / 278

If the occurrence of one event prevents the occurrence of another events it is known as

27 / 278

If a frequency curve is having flat top, it is referred as

28 / 278

In negatively skewed distribution

29 / 278

A qualitative characteristic which varies from individual to individual is termed as

30 / 278

A quantitative characteristic which varies from individual to individual is termed as

31 / 278

If a characteristic remains the same for all individuals in a population, it is termed as

32 / 278

For two independent variables, r = 0 and the regression lines are

33 / 278

In a normal distribution, what percentage of data falls within one standard deviation of the mean

34 / 278

In clinical trials, what does a Type II error represent

35 / 278

Bar diagram is suitable for ———- frequency distribution

36 / 278

If the frequency distribution curve has a longer tail to the right of central maximum then the distribution is

37 / 278

Basic principles of designs if experiments is/are

38 / 278

Student t-test is applicable when sample size is applicable when

39 / 278

Limit of correlation

40 / 278

Central moment about the origin is

41 / 278

Lack of symmetry is known as

42 / 278

The ratio of standard deviation and mean is known as

43 / 278

The following is the appropriate average for the construction of index numbers

44 / 278

The arithmetic mean should be used when the distribution

45 / 278

If distribution is symmetrical, then

46 / 278

In any distribution unless all items are equal, the relationship between arithmetic mean (AM), geometric mean (GM) and harmonic mean (HM) is

47 / 278

The arithmetic mean is affected by

48 / 278

If a constant value 10 is added to each observation of a set, the mean of set is

49 / 278

The most stable measures of central tendency is

50 / 278

The first ‘n’ natural numbers’ mean is

51 / 278

The geometric mean of 1 and 25 is

52 / 278

The square root of product of arithmetic mean and harmonic mean is equal to

53 / 278

Which of the following central location can be used to estimate the average speed

54 / 278

Which of the following measures will be used for dealing with qualitative data

55 / 278

Quartile deviation divides a distribution into

56 / 278

The geometric mean of the series 1, 3, 9 is

57 / 278

The following measure of central tendency based on all the observations

58 / 278

The second quartile coincides with the following

59 / 278

The upper class limit of inclusive type class interval 20-30 is

60 / 278

In a histogram, the graph generated by combining the mid points with straight line of consecutive rectangles’ tops is known as

61 / 278

When the highest frequency occurs at one end of a frequency distribution, the frequency curve of that distribution is

62 / 278

In a frequency distribution, if the class intervals are very small, the frequency polygon can be approximated with a smooth curve called as-

63 / 278

The bar diagram formed by dividing a single bar into several parts with the help of different designs or colours is called as

64 / 278

In pie diagram, the components of a data are generally depicted by

65 / 278

In pie-diagram, the angle at the centre is_________degree

66 / 278

The ratio of the frequency density to the population size (N) of the distribution is known as

67 / 278

In an exclusive type of class intervals, the upper limit is

68 / 278

The width of the class intervals 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 etc. is equal to

69 / 278

The estimation of quartiles, deciles, percentiles etc. can be performed through the curve

70 / 278

The box-and-whisker plot is used to show the distribution of a dataset at glance is created by

71 / 278

Area diagram like rectangles, squares and circle are:

72 / 278

Volumes diagrams like cubes, cylinders and sphere are

73 / 278

Line diagram and bar diagram are

74 / 278

In a many folds table, we have data on

75 / 278

A simple table contains data on

76 / 278

In an inclusive series

77 / 278

When the class frequency is divided by the total frequency, we get

78 / 278

The lower-class boundary is the reference point for calculating the

79 / 278

The upper-class boundary is the reference point for calculating the

80 / 278

Which of the following is a considered as discrete variable?

81 / 278

Classification of data according to the number of observations is

82 / 278

Which of the following is considered as father of modern statistics?

83 / 278

Who was the first to investigate the Chi-square test of goodness of fit?

84 / 278

The following statistician was the first to propose the concept of D2 statistics-

85 / 278

Who is often regarded as the “Father of Indian Statistics”

86 / 278

The body weight or milk yield of a cow are the examples of

87 / 278

A variable that can only take exact values is referred to as

88 / 278

The numerical measurement of the following variable is not possible

89 / 278

Which of the following variable/s is/are continuous type-

90 / 278

The following methods is/are used for collection of the primary data

91 / 278

When only one attribute is used for classification of qualitative data is called as

92 / 278

The term Biometry was coined by

93 / 278

Which of the following is called as “Father of Biostatistics”-

94 / 278

The variables whose measurements is done in term such as weight, height and length are classified as

95 / 278

The branch of statistics concerned with ration scales and interval scales is known as

96 / 278

The following sampling methods is a probability method

97 / 278

Increasing the sample size has the following effect upon the sampling error?

98 / 278

Which of the following isn’t a non-probability sampling technique?

99 / 278

Which of the following sampling is based on equal probability

100 / 278

Which of the following statements regarding sampling is correct?

101 / 278

The aggregate of all the units pertaining to a study is referred as

102 / 278

The probability sampling is also referred as

103 / 278

The purposive sampling is also known as

104 / 278

The non probability sampling is used with the aim of

105 / 278

The non-sampling survey is used in

106 / 278

In which sample population is divided into different strata and sample is taken from different strata

107 / 278

In sampling with replacement, how many time you can select a sampling unit

108 / 278

If bxy = 0.20 and rxy = 0.50, then byx is equal to

109 / 278

A perfect positive correlation is signified by

110 / 278

When the two regression lines are parallel to each other, then their slopes are

111 / 278

The arithmetic mean of the two regression coefficients is greater than or equal to

112 / 278

The signs of regression coefficients and correlation coefficient are always

113 / 278

If X is measured in kgs and Y is measured in percentage, then correlation coefficient has the unit

114 / 278

If both variables X and Y increase or decrease simultaneously, then the coefficient of correlation will be

115 / 278

A measure of the strength of the linear relationship that exists between two variables is called

116 / 278

The correlation coefficient is the_______of two regression coefficients

117 / 278

The correlation between milk yield and fat percentage

118 / 278

When regression line passes through the origin, then

119 / 278

The graph showing the paired points of (Xi , Yi) is called

120 / 278

The independent variable in a regression line is

121 / 278

The independent variable is also called

122 / 278

The dependent variable is also called

123 / 278

If one regression coefficient is greater than one, then other will be

124 / 278

The straight line graph of the linear equation Y = a + bX, slope is horizontal if

125 / 278

The straight line graph of the linear equation Y = a+ bX, slope will be upward if

126 / 278

If the value of any regression coefficient is zero, then two variables are

127 / 278

In simple linear regression, the numbers of unknown constants are

128 / 278

The predicted rate of response of the dependent variable to changes in the independent variable is called

129 / 278

The slope of the regression line of Y on X is also called the

130 / 278

The method of least squares dictates that we choose a regression line where the sum of the square of deviations of the points from the lie is

131 / 278

A process by which we estimate the value of dependent variable on the basis of one or more independent variables is called

132 / 278

Which of the following measures is/are equal to Median

133 / 278

If you want to compare the two different series, which dispersion measure is appropriate

134 / 278

Find the value of the third quartile when the first quartile is 80 and the quartile deviation is 10

135 / 278

Which of the following graphical technique enables us to better understand the dispersion

136 / 278

The Lorenz Curve is a technique that is used to show

137 / 278

The standard deviation of sample mean is called as

138 / 278

For leptokurtic type of distribution, the value of β2 and γ2 are

139 / 278

For mesokurtic type of distribution, the value of β2 and γ2 are

140 / 278

The range of the class intervals 10-15, 15-20, 20-25, 25-30 in the frequency table is given by

141 / 278

Which of the following measures of dispersion is easiest to calculate

142 / 278

The range of the observation 1, 3, 12, 5, 6, 25, 13, 5

143 / 278

For a given set of data, the relationship between mean deviation and standard deviation is

144 / 278

The coefficient of skewness of two series B1 and B2 are 0.35 and 0.12, respectively which series is less skewed

145 / 278

When all the values in a series are constant, the standard deviation and variance are both equal to

146 / 278

If the distribution is negatively skewed, the extreme value of the distribution lies in the

147 / 278

The formula of the semi-inter quartile range is given by

148 / 278

The value of coefficient of dispersion based upon quartile deviation is equal to

149 / 278

For a moderately skewed distribution, the empirical relationship between mean, median and mode is given by

150 / 278

If each value of a given series is multiplied by a constant ‘K’, the value of coefficient of variation as compared to the previous one is equal to

151 / 278

If the mean and standard deviation of sum are 10 and 2, respectively. If each observation is divided by a constant value 5, then the new coefficient of variation is equal to

152 / 278

If the range of a set of observations is 30 and minimum value in the set is same, then the maximum value is given by

153 / 278

Which measure of dispersion is most fluctuated by extreme values

154 / 278

The coefficient of variation is defined as

155 / 278

Which of the following measure the degree of peakedness of the curve

156 / 278

If all the observations within a series are multiplied by five, then new standard deviation would be

157 / 278

The arithmetic mean of the absolute deviation of each observation from the mean, median or mode is known as

158 / 278

Relative measure of dispersion is

159 / 278

Mean deviation is least when the deviations are taken from

160 / 278

Which measure of dispersion is free from units

161 / 278

The sum of deviations taken from median is known as when no sign of deviation is considered

162 / 278

In dataset of 5,5,5,5,5,5 , the standard deviation will be

163 / 278

Which measure of dispersion is calculated by only extreme values

164 / 278

In any distribution unless all items are equal, the relationship between arithmetic mean (AM), geometric mean (GM) and harmonic mean (HM) is

165 / 278

If all the items in a distribution have the same or different value then, the relationship between arithmetic mean (AM), geometric mean (GM) and harmonic mean (HM) is

166 / 278

The following is the appropriate average for the construction of index numbers

167 / 278

The following central location should be used when we have open end class or graphically the distribution is found to be of J-shape or reverse J-shape

168 / 278

The measure of central tendency in which all the observations are included is

169 / 278

Which of the following is a characteristics of the median of a data

170 / 278

Which of the following has the same mean, mode and median

171 / 278

Which of the following is a characteristic of arithmetic mean

172 / 278

Which of the following diagrams/graphs is used to find the value of mode graphically

173 / 278

Which measure of central tendency is most affected by extreme outliers

174 / 278

When the data has an even number of observations, the median is calculated as

175 / 278

In positively skewed distribution, the relationship between mean, median and mode is

176 / 278

In a symmetric distribution, the relationship between mean, median and mode is

177 / 278

The measure of central tendency that is most appropriate for ordinal data is

178 / 278

If a dataset has no repeated values, what will be the value of the mode

179 / 278

For which type of data, mode is the most suitable measure of central tendency

180 / 278

The measure of central tendency that can be found graphically at the peak of the frequency distribution is

181 / 278

When median a better measure of central tendency than the mean

182 / 278

Area of rejection zone or critical region depends on

183 / 278

The design in which only two principles viz., replication and randomization are used, known as

184 / 278

If we have t samples, each of size n, then the number of d.f. between samples will be

185 / 278

If there are r rows and k columns in a two way analysis of variance, then the number of d.f. between rows is

186 / 278

If we have r rows and t column in a two way analysis of variance, then the number of d.f. for error will be

187 / 278

The mean sum of squares for the treatment is obtained by dividing the relevant sum of square by

188 / 278

In one way analysis of variance, the total variation is decomposed into

189 / 278

In a two-way analysis of variance, the total variation is decomposed into

190 / 278

RBD is used when experimental material is

191 / 278

Grouping homogenous experimental units together is known as

192 / 278

Grouping homogenous experimental units together is known as

193 / 278

An estimate of error in the ANOVA cannot be achieved without

194 / 278

For test of significance of sample variances, the F- value must be

195 / 278

ANOVA is used for

196 / 278

In design of experiment, random allotment of treatment to the experimental units is known as

197 / 278

The following test is used for testing equality of two variances

198 / 278

The statistical design that allows unequal number of replications of treatment is

199 / 278

A completely randomized design is also called as

200 / 278

In the experimental design, the minimum degree of freedom for error is equal to

201 / 278

Experimental error is basically necessary for

202 / 278

Blocking or local control is a used to maintain

203 / 278

The number of replications in an experiment is based on

204 / 278

In an experiment, randomization helps to eliminate

205 / 278

In veterinary investigations, the following designs are most effective

206 / 278

The following experimental design is not suitable for field experiments

207 / 278

In order to test, the significant difference between pairs of treatment means, we use

208 / 278

An experimental design is a

209 / 278

The following design of experiment is commonly used for laboratory experiments

210 / 278

Which of the following is a non parametric test

211 / 278

Which of the following is also known as a large sample test

212 / 278

In testing of hypothesis, we commit how many types of errors

213 / 278

Rejecting a null hypothesis (H0) when it is true is called

214 / 278

The following statement for chi-square test is true

215 / 278

The following test is used to test the homogeneity of independence estimates of population variance

216 / 278

The power test is concerned with following type of error

217 / 278

In testing of hypothesis, which of the following type of error is more serious

218 / 278

The degree of freedom in paired t-test with ‘n’ observation is

219 / 278

Which test is used to test the equality of two population variance

220 / 278

The range of chi-square statistic is

221 / 278

The range of t-statistic is

222 / 278

We use the following test to determine the independence of the attributes in the contingency table

223 / 278

The partial correlation coefficient is tested by

224 / 278

The hypothesis being tested for probable rejection is known as

225 / 278

The probability of type-I error is known as

226 / 278

The following hypothesis determines whether a test is one-sided or two-sided

227 / 278

If β is the probability of type-II error, the power test is given by

228 / 278

The critical region is also known as

229 / 278

If number of observations is greater than 30 (n>30) in the ꭓ2 distributions, then curve ꭓ2 tends to

230 / 278

The following test is used for testing a single mean of large population

231 / 278

A small portion under consideration from the population is known as

232 / 278

A sampling in which each unit has an equal probability of being chosen is

233 / 278

The standard deviation of the sample distribution is referred to as

234 / 278

If n=1, then Chi-square distribution reduces to

235 / 278

The t-distribution tends to——for large sample sizes

236 / 278

The following test is used for testing the independence of attributes

237 / 278

A sample’s functional value that is independent of any population parameter is said to as

238 / 278

It is assumed that the sampling distribution of a large sample will be

239 / 278

What is known as the sum of squares of independent normal variates

240 / 278

In the following test, degree of freedom is not taken into consideration

241 / 278

The following test is applied for testing the goodness of fit of a distribution

242 / 278

The following test is applied to test the significance of the difference of the mean values between two large-sized samples

243 / 278

The following test is applied to test the significance of the difference of the mean values among more than two sample groups

244 / 278

The following test is applied to test the significance of the difference of the mean values between two small sized samples when population standard deviation is not available

245 / 278

Which of the following is/are non-parametric test

246 / 278

The following non-parametric test is used for comparing the difference in the mean values of more than two sample groups

247 / 278

The following non-parametric test is sometimes also called as one way ANOVA on ranks which is used for comparing the differences in the mean values of more than two sample groups

248 / 278

The non parametric test equivalent of an unpaired samples t-test is

249 / 278

The following test is normally applied for qualitative data

250 / 278

The following test is applied to small sample sizes (n <30) where distributions are not normal

251 / 278

In the testing of hypotheses, a statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is known as

252 / 278

Which of the following is accepted if the null hypothesis is false

253 / 278

The point at which the Null Hypothesis is rejected is known as

254 / 278

In normal distribution, the area under normal curve within limit µ±3σ is

255 / 278

In normal distribution, the area under normal curve within limit µ±2σ is

256 / 278

The Median of normal distribution is 35, its mode will be

257 / 278

If P(A/B) = P(A), then the events A and B are

258 / 278

If Z is a standard normal variate i.e., Z≈N (0, 1). The distribution of Z and -Z will be equal to

259 / 278

The mean and variance of standard normal variate is equal to

260 / 278

The distribution which consists of only two events success and failure is referred as

261 / 278

In normal distribution, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation are in the ratio

262 / 278

The points of inflexion of normal curve with parameter µ and σ2

263 / 278

In case of binomial distribution, which of the following condition is true

264 / 278

In which of the following distribution, the mean and variance are equal

265 / 278

The following distribution can be regarded as a limiting case of the Poisson distribution if the value mean (i.e., m) is very large nearly infinity

266 / 278

The following distribution studies the probabilities of rare events

267 / 278

The following distribution is a limiting form of binomial distribution as n moves towards infinity and p moves towards zero but mean (np) remains constant and finite

268 / 278

If two events A and B are independent events, P(AB) is equal to

269 / 278

If two events A and B are mutually exclusive events, then which of the following is true

270 / 278

If two events A and B are not mutually exclusive events, then P(A or B) is equal to

271 / 278

A bag contains 11 white and 4 red balls. Two balls are drawn at random one after the other without replacement. Find the probability that balls drawn are red.

272 / 278

Suppose from a pack of 52 cards one card is drawn at random what is the probability that it is either a Queen or a King

273 / 278

Two event A and B are said to be the event A when B can occur only when A is known to have occurred and vice versa. The probability associated with such events are called

274 / 278

If A and B an any events then the probability that at least one of them occurs in denoted by P(A∪B) is equal to

275 / 278

Sample space is also called as

276 / 278

The definition of mathematical probability is given by

277 / 278

The mathematical probability is also known as

278 / 278

What is the correlation coefficient (r) between the weight of chickens and their feed intake?

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